Amdt. 137 Part 507 Federal Register April 30, 1960
Applies to Models Erco 415 Series and Aircoupe F-1 Aircraft Serial Numbers 1 Through 5678 Incorporating
Electrol Hose Gear With Aluminum Scissors.
Compliance required not later than July 1, 1960.
Bolts used to attach the forged aluminum scissors to the electrol nose gear were found to be brittle. To
preclude failure of these bolts and the danger of the nose wheel turning crosswise during landing, the
following shall be accomplished:
Replace bolts, P/N 415-34330, with AN 5-26 bolts, AN 960 washers (two per bolt) and AN 310-5 nuts. The
tightened nut must not cause binding.
(Forney Service Bulletin No. 103 covers this same subject.)