1946, 415-D, s/n 2661

I was at my local airport last November (2005) when my FBO pulled up with an Ercoupe on a trailer. He had just bought it from somewhere "Up North". I helped him get it off the trailer and told him to hurry up and put the wings back on it because I wanted to fly it! Six months later, I got checked out in it. I'm submitting this info and photos just for the record so folk'll know where it is and that those of us here who fly it LOVE IT just as much as you do yours.

My FBO said he couldn't afford insurance on taildraggers for Light Sport Pilot training and figured the Ercoupe would be better. The problem was, none of the instructors knew anything about an Ercoupe and it took a while for them to warm up to it. A new instructor who personally owns a Cessna 120 was up to the challenge and I finally got my checkout. I've flown it twice in the last week and I still can't get the smile off my face. In fact, I'm working toward getting my CFI ticket reinstated because of this airplane. I thought I was going to have to get back into instructing so I could check myself out in the plane!

N2038H is a 415C model with a 75hp Continental upgraded to 85 hp. It flies a good, steady 115 mph IAS at 2300 rpm and that's with the windows open. It has a good flip-flop radio and transponder in it. Other than that, you're on your own as far as navigation is concerned. This is a REAL airplane designed for REAL pilots!

The little 'coupe is part of the fleet of Hanger One of MLU at Monroe Regional Airport, Monroe, Louisiana. (Yes, I know hanger is not the correct spelling, but that's what's on the sign!) I've flown it to nearby airports on personal joyrides and it draws plenty of attention.

Just thought you Coupers would like to keep up with where these great little planes end up.

T. L. (Ted) Colvin, Jr.
West Monroe, LA 71291